Credit Card affiliate programs enable people to get commissions ranging from 1000 to 3000 for a dispatch by promoting and driving people toward issuing credit cards for themselves. For every card issued with their efforts, promoters get a commission.
As a Credit card affiliate promoter, you will promote the credit card affiliate links and persuade people to sign up for the credit cards.
With the evolving digital landscape, credit card affiliate program has been observed as a promising avenue for students, influencers, and digital marketers alike to generate a good and substantial passive income at the ease of their home but with the right marketing tactics and dedication.
Students in India are often involved in online activities, so, engaging in these kinds of affiliate programs could be very easy for them and they can earn a good six-digit income as well.
Moreover, there are various service providers like
Cashli that create a connection between the bank and the promoters. With the help of Cashli, affiliates are provided with a complete dashboard that shows their total earning, leads, and conversions.
Not just a complete control but Cashli also gives extra perks to its users as it has the largest selection of credit cards in its affiliate program. Where most of the companies provide 2-4 cards, Cashli has provided its affiliates with 15+ cards.